UNIX commands

Command Meaning Example
tab Autocomplete Docu *tab* zal Documents (of een andere map / bestand die met Docu begint) invulen
Pijl omhoog Vorige command Haal het vorige commando op, meerdere keren pijltje omhoog scrollt terug in de geschiedenis van je terminal commandos
right click paste from clipboard paste contents of clipboard in terminal
ls directory listing ls -al /bin
ls -lR ~/Desktop
cd change to directory cd
cd Desktop
cd ~/Desktop
cd .. (ga 1 map omhoog)
cd /etc
pwd show current directory pwd
mkdir/rmdir create/remove directory mkdir scripting
rmdir scripting
chmod change file/directory permissions chmod 755 myscript.sh
chmod 700 mydirectory
chmod 644 myfile
man on-line help man man
man ls
man ascii
cat show a file's contents cat /etc/passwd
more like cat, but page by page more /etc/passwd
cat averylongfile | more
rm remove file rm mytestfile
cp copy file or directory cp mytestfile yourtestfile
cp -r scripts morescripts
mv rename/move file mv mytestfile yourtestfile
mv mytestfile /dev/null
echo write arguments to the standard output echo "Hello"
echo $PATH
which show which executable (if any) will be usedย ย ย  which ls
which mozilla
which which
grep search in files grep -i something *.java
find find files findย ย .ย ย -name \*test\*
find .
findย ย .ย ย -nameย ย \*.mp3ย ย -exec play {} \;ย ย 
find -mtime 0
head / tail show first/last lines of a file head -20 myfile
tail -20 myfile
tail -f myfile
history and bangย ย ย  show and use history of commands history
ls !$
tar create or unpack archives tar cvf tarfile.tar *.jpg
tar xvf tarfile.tar
top show list of processes top -o cpu